17 Veterans Square
Media, PA 19063

Understanding DUI Charges in Bucks County PA


What Are DUI Charges?

DUI charges refer to a Driving Under Influence charge. If an individual is charged with driving under the influence, he or she will have been accused of driving when under the influence of an influencing product such as alcohol or drugs.


The Severity of DUI Charges in Bucks County

A DUI offence is considered as very serious in Bucks County. Prosecutors and Common Pleas Court judges in Bucks County are well known in the area and around Pennsylvania as being very strict on those charged with a DUI offence.

What Are the Consequences of DUI Charges in Bucks County?

A DUI offence is considered a severe misdemeanour in Pennsylvania.

By pleading guilty to or being convicted of Driving Under the Influence in Bucks County, it is almost certain that you will receive a criminal record. What this can mean for your everyday life includes possible termination of your employment in certain professions and industries, as well as having difficulty obtaining certain new jobs due to the DUI charge. Other DUI penalties associated with a DUI conviction include mandatory jail time for many first offences, as well as a significant suspension on your driver’s license and fines. As a result, you may find difficulty in buying car insurance, or you will face significant cost increases on your insurance quotes. It is worth working with a Bucks County DUI Attorney, as they specialize in county-based DUI law.

The Differences in DUI Penalties

The consequences from your DUI penalties will differ according to where you live and the category of offence with which you are being charged. Pennsylvania state-wide penalties are alike in many ways. In summary, your DUI penalties will be determined by the number of DUI offences that you have been charged with, and each charge will be categorized according to different levels.

The Categories of DUI Offences:

There are three levels given by blood tests, which refer to three different categories:

  1. “General Impairment”: refers to 0.08% – 0.099% blood alcohol levels within two hours of driving.
  2. “High Rate of Alcohol”: refers to 0.10% – .159% blood alcohol within two hours of driving.
  3. “Highest Rate of Alcohol”: refers to 0.16% and above blood alcohol within two hours of driving.

There are other instances when the “Highest Rate of Alcohol” will be recorded:

  • In the instance that drugs are found in your system on taking a blood test, you will be charged as having the highest rate of alcohol.
  • Likewise, a refusal to take the Bucks County blood test as requested at the hospital, or refusal to take a breath test as requested at the police station, you will receive the penalties as associated with the third category: the “Highest Rate of Alcohol”

Charges for Minors

If an individual under the age of 18 is found to be drinking and driving, they will be considered over the limit if they are tested as having a 0.02% blood alcohol level or above. The minor can then be charged and consequently convicted of Driving Under Influence.

Categories for School Bus Drivers

For school bus drivers and drivers with a C.D.L. (a commercial driver’s license), they will be considered as over the limit if they are caught drinking and driving and tested at a 0.04% blood alcohol level or above. In this case, they will almost certainly be charged and consequently convicted of DUI.

If you are facing DUI charges, it is highly advisable to seek advice from a Bucks County DUI Attorney.

Contact Us

  • 610-353-8531
  • 610-353-9171
  • jamespeterslaw@aol.com


  • 17 Veterans Square
    Media, PA 19063

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