17 Veterans Square
Media, PA 19063

Case Summary: Medical-Nursing Malpractice

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A thirty-five year old woman attorney was hospitalized for a minor surgical procedure on her lower back. While still hospitalized three days after the surgery, she was given a walker by one of the floor nurses. The nurse failed to train the patient on how to use the walker properly in general, and failed to warn her that the walker could fold inward if it were not properly locked in an open position in particular. While the patient was using it in her hospital room, the walker folded inward, causing the women to fall face forward. As a result of the fall she sustained a fracture of a bone in her spine, which required extensive spinal surgery. We obtained a multi-million dollar settlement against the hospital.

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  • 610-353-8531
  • 610-353-9171
  • jamespeterslaw@aol.com


  • 17 Veterans Square
    Media, PA 19063

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