17 Veterans Square
Media, PA 19063


Being charged with assault is very serious. In order to protect your rights and give yourself the best opportunities both now and in the future, it is important that you are represented by a skilled and experienced attorney who truly cares about what happens to you. James P. Peters has been practicing law in Delaware County for 25 years, and he provides a personalized approach to every case. Because the penalties for even a simple assault can include five years of prison, it is essential that you have an advocate on your side who will fight vigorously on your behalf.

Simple Assault

A simple assault is a crime against a person. It is considered a misdemeanor crime, and a charge of simple assault can be brought against you even if you did not actually cause bodily injury. Simple assault can include the act of making somebody afraid that you are going to attack them, negligently injuring somebody with a deadly weapon even if you didn’t mean to, attempting to injure somebody but not being successful, and of course intentionally injuring a person physically.

Because there is such a wide range of definitions of simple assault, it is easy for a person to be accused of the charge spitefully or erroneously. If somebody accuses you of planning to do them harm, even if you had no intention of doing so, you can still be charged with the crime, and that means you could face steep fines and time in prison. That is why it is so important that you are represented by an experienced attorney. Even if you have been charged after participating in a fight in which both parties were equally at fault, you need legal counsel to protect yourself.

Aggravated Assault

Aggravated assault is a very serious charge that demands the help of an experienced criminal defense attorney. By definition, it is a first degree felony if it involves causing serious harm to a law enforcement officer or any member of the judiciary, the legal system (including parking enforcement officers), fire or emergency personnel, and other public servants. The charge is considered a second-degree felony if it involves school employees or board members. First degree aggravated assault can mean a twenty year sentence and second degree charges can result in a ten-year sentence. In all cases you can anticipate that the prosecution will be pursuing your case aggressively, so you will need a passionate defender.

Having James P. Peters as your advocate when you’ve been charged with assault means that you have a defender who knows the legal system inside and out and who will use his knowledge aggressively to protect your rights. We will examine all of the facts of the case, from the information that you provide to the evidence against you, in order to find a way to prove you innocent of the charges against you or to find the best course of action that will minimize the penalties that you face.

Contact Us

  • 610-353-8531
  • 610-353-9171
  • jamespeterslaw@aol.com


  • 17 Veterans Square
    Media, PA 19063

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